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Pure Shores The Very Best Of All Saints 2CD 2010: The History and Legacy of the Iconic Band

Writer's picture: tersindtiterlorslatersindtiterlorsla

Imagine Dragons has sold more than 75 million records worldwide, making them one of the world's best-selling music artists.[16] They were the most streamed group of 2018 on Spotify[17] and are the first rock act to have four songs, "Radioactive", "Demons", "Believer", and "Thunder", to surpass one billion streams each.[18] According to Billboard, "Believer", "Thunder", and "Radioactive" were the three best performing rock songs of the 2010s.[19]

No Brecker, Corea,, Tatum, Tristano, Marsh, Tyner?? But the woeful Ayler and Dolphy are in there? Incredible. I suppose subjectivity is inevitable when it comes to taste and naming the best 50 albums is impossible. Vast amounts of great stuff omitted and the phenomenal broadening of jazz in the last 30 years is nowhere to be seen. This probably is a very good guide to the ages of the compilers.

Pure Shores The Very Best Of All Saints 2CD 2010

Brownies in the 1920s A Brownie promises: 1. To do her best to do her duty to God and the King, and be\nloyal to the Law of the Brownie Pack2. To try and help other people, especially those at home. The Law of the Brownie Pack is: 1. The Brownie gives in to the Older Folk.2. The Brownie does not give in to herself. Recruit A Brownie must know: The Brownie Promise. The Brownie Salute. The Smile. The Good Turn. The Fairy Ring. And must be able to: Tie her own tie. Plait her own hair. Wash up the tea things. 2nd Class I Intelligence Know the composition of the Union Jack and right way to fly\nit. Tie the following knots and know their uses: Reef knot;\nsheet bend; clove hitch; fisherman\u2019s knot. Do up a parcel neatly. II Handicraft Hem a handkerchief or duster. Darn an article or do the darning stitch. III Service Lay a table for two for dinner. Bind up a cut finger or grazed knee. IV Physical Health Perform the first two physical exercises of the Handbook and\nknow their objects, or those given on the new Guide Chart of Physical\nExercises, such as the Brownie may perform for herself. Know how and why she should keep nails cut and clean, and\nteeth clean, and why breathe through the nose. Bowl a hoop or hop round a figure-of-eight course. Throw a ball ten yards with the right hand and then with the\nleft. Throw a ball so that a girl six yards away catches it four\ntimes out of six. 1st Class I Intelligence Know the alphabet in Morse or Semaphore, and be able to send\nand read three letters out of four correctly. Know the first two verses of \u201cGod Save the King\u201d. Know eight points of the compass. II Handicraft Clean knives, forks and spoons. Knit a pair of wristlets or muffler. Lay and light a fire; make tea and a milk pudding. Fold clothes neatly. III Service Carry a message of twelve words in her head for over five\nminutes and deliver it correctly. Apply a triangular bandage. IV Physical Health Perform the whole five body movements in the Handbook, and\nknow their objects, or those given on the new guide Chart of Physical\nExercises, such as the Brownie may perform by herself.Activities:Train Inspection - The Brownies file up to the ticket office where Pack Leader or the eldest Sixer doles out tickets to everyone with their penny subs. Anyone without a penny is given a label and sent to the Left Luggage office overseen by Tawny. Brownies with tickets head to the ticket collector (Brown Owl) who marks signs on each ticket for badges, neatness, cleanliness etc, Tawny doing the same by the 'luggage'. Ticket holders get into the express train behind Brown Owl, once all are aboard it races twice round the room. After this the freight train puffs round once. the goods can then be collected by the passengers and tickets totalled up to get Six points totals.Cuthbert's Cow - The Brownies sit in a ring with Brown Owl in the middle. Outside the ring of Brownies is a ring of chairs, facing inwards, there is one chair less than the number of Brownies in the game. Brown Owl tells a story about Cuthbert, and every time \"Cuthbert's Cow\" is mentioned, the Brownies jump up and sit on a chair behind them. The Brownie left without a chair is out, and one chair is removed after each turn. In telling the story, Brown Owl is likely to mention Cuthbert's Cat, Cuthbert's Calf, Cuthbert's Cutlery or other things which may come to mind, any Brownie who moves at the wrong time is also out. The last Brownie left sitting in a chair wins for her Six.Games could include acting out nursery rhymes, but also the traditional 'school sports' races - three-legged, wheelbarrow, sack and hopping races.","linksData":},"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":533,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":null,"left":null,"imageHeight":533,"webs":"fileId":208035770,"path":"1932 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f91c3f71572628047388","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324}, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f91c3f71572628047388 > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')}).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve(););});}); Brownies in the 1930s

Brownies in the 1930sBrownies are girls under the age of 11, who are preparing to\nbe Guides. Note \u2013 it is recommended that children under the age of\neight should not be enrolled as Brownies. \nThis allows Brownie training to be spread over a period of three years,\nwhich is considered long enough preparation before enrolment in a Guide\ncompany. A Brownie promises \u2013To do her best 1. To do her duty to God and the King. 2. To help other people every day, especially those at home. The Law of the Brownie pack is 1. The Brownie gives in to the older folk. 2. The Brownie does not give in to herself. RecruitA Brownie must know:The Brownie Promise. The Salute. The Smile. The Good Turn. The Fairy RingAnd must be able to: Tie her own tie. Plait her own hair. \n(if \u201cbobbed\u201d, know how to plait and part her own hair straight). Wash up the tea things. 2nd ClassA Brownie must: I Intelligence Know the composition of the Union Jack and right way to fly\nit. Tie the following knots and know their uses: Reef-knot;\nsheet-bend; clove-hitch; round turn and two half hitches. Do up a parcel neatly. Must observe and describe something belonging to the outside\nworld, chosen by herself. This may be\nsky, sea, bird, tree, flower, animal etc.II Handicraft Make something useful, showing the hemming stitch. Darn an article or do the darning stitch.III Physical Health Know how and why she should keep nails cut and clean, and\nteeth clean, and why breathe through the nose. Bowl a hoop or hop round a figure-of-eight course. Throw a ball ten yards with the right hand and then with the\nleft. Throw a ball so that a girl six yards away catches it four\ntimes out of six.IV Service Lay a table for two for dinner. 1st ClassI Intelligence Know the alphabet in semaphore, and be able to send and read\nthree letters out of four correctly. Know first and last verses of \u201cGod Save the King\u201d. Know eight points of the compass. Must have taken care of a plant, from seed or bulb, and be\nable to tell the examiner something about the way it has grown, and what has\nbeen done with it.II Handicraft Clean forks and spoons. Knit a child\u2019s scarf or jumper or some other garment. Lay and light a fire; make tea and a milk pudding. Fold clothes neatly. \nClean shoes.III Physical Health Walk ten yards balancing a book the size of \u201cGirl Guiding\u201d\non the head; sit down on a chair, get up again, and return to the \u201cstarting\npoint.\u201d Skip 30 times without a break, turning the rope backwards,\nand skip one fancy step.IV Service Carry a message of twelve words in her head for over five\nminutes and deliver it correctly. Bind\nup a cut finger or grazed knee. Know\nwhat to do if clothing catches fire.A lot of the Brownie programme in this era was based on folklore and fairies. From making Six dens and fairy gardens, to listening to stories and acting them out, to singing games such as Nuts in May, Sandy Girl, Dusky Bluebells, the activities were very traditional. Crafts were often toymaking, such as making doll-house furniture from matchboxes, walnut shells etc, dressing dolls, etc. Some lucky Brownies got to go on Brownie Holiday - taking over a house for a week and living in it with brown Owl and Tawny, getting to practice some of their testwork and also enjoy games, picnics and outings to places of interest. But Pack Holiday was for the lucky few. For the majority, there were large Brownie Revels and gatherings held, some with fun activities, some with inter-pack competitions. In an era when many children had not travelled far beyond their local area, such gatherings were a rare treat.","linksData":},"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":533,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":533,"webs":"fileId":208035770,"path":"1932 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f9263f7157262804738a","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324}, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9263f7157262804738a > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')}).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve(););});}); Brownies in WW2

Brownies in the 1960sA Brownie is a girl under 11 who is preparing to be a\nGuide. A recruit may not be admitted to\nthe pack before the age of 7 . She is\nenrolled when she has passed the Enrolment Test and the Brown Owl considers she\nis ready. Three and a half years should\nbe the maximum time in the pack. Enrolment Test1. Understand: The Brownie Promise. The Law. The Motto. The Brownie Ring. The Salute. The Smile. The Good Turn. The Pow-wow Ring 2. Fold and tie her own tie. 3. Plait. 4. Wash up the tea things. Before being enrolled, the recruit should read or be told\nthe Brownie Story and know something about Brownies in other countries.Second Class 1. Know how the Union Jack and the flag of her own country\nare made up and the right way to fly them. 2. Tie the following knots and know their uses: reef;\nsheetbend; round turn and two half hitches. 3. Show that she understands the rules of the road, and take\nBrown Owl or Tawny Owl for a \u2018Stop, Look, and Listen\u2019 walk. 4. Observe and describe something belonging to the outside world,\nchosen by herself, e.g. sky, sea, bird, tree, flower, animal, etc; Or Make a collection of six flowers or shells or feathers etc,\nand name them. 5. Make a useful article to include a turned-down hem sewn\nwith a decorative tacking stitch; Or Darn an article or do the darning stitch. 6. Show two methods of sewing on buttons and sew one button\nonto a garment. 7. Know how and why she should keep her teeth clean, her\nnails cut and clean; and why breathe through the nose. 8. Hop round a figure-of-eight or bowl a hoop. 9. Skip twenty times without a break, turning the rope\nbackwards. 10. Throw a ball against a wall from a point 10ft away and\ncatch it four times out of six, Or Catch a ball thrown from a distance of 6yds, and return it\nto the sender, four times out of six. 11. Lay a table for two for dinner. Intermediate 1. Know fifteen letters of the alphabet in semaphore, send\nand read simple words. 2. Set a compass and know eight points. 3. Knit a small useful article. 4. Fold clothes neatly. 5. Skip thirty times without a break turning the rope\nbackwards. 6. Throw a ball overarm to land over a line 7 yds away\nwithin two side lines 3 yds apart. 7. Clean shoes. 8. Carry a message of at least twelve words in her head for\nover five minutes, and deliver it correctly. First Class The candidate must hold the Golden Bar and show that she is\ntrying to keep the Brownie Promise. 1. Know the alphabet in semaphore; send and read three\nletters out of four correctly; send and read simple words. 2. Know and understand the meaning of the first and last\nverses of \u2018God Save the Queen\u2019. 3. Set a compass and know eight points. 4. Have taken care of a plant, from seed or bulb, and\ndescribe to the tester something about the way it has grown, and how it was\ntended. 5. Using any slip knot, tie up and address a parcel for the\npost. 6. Knit a child\u2019s scarf or jumper or some other garment. 7. Lay and light a fire. \n(If local conditions make this impossible the following may be\nsubstituted: Wash and iron a Brownie tie). 8. Cook a milk pudding, porridge or equivalent dish, or\npotatoes or other vegetable, or prepare a mixed salad. 9. Make tea. 10. Fold clothes neatly. 11. Throw a ball overarm to land over a line 10yds away\nwithin two side lines 3yds apart. 12. Skip thirty times without a break, turning the rope\nbackwards, and skip two of the following steps: (a) Feet crossing. (b) Pointing toes forward. (c )Turning rope quickly (\u2018pepper\u2019). (d) Hopping with knee raising. 13. Carry a message of at least twelve words in her head for\nover five minutes and deliver it correctly. 14. Bind up a cut finger and grazed knee. 15. Know what to do if clothing catches fire. 16. Clean shoes.Note: The candidate must be ready to be tested in all\nsections on the same day. If necessary\nthe test may be taken on two days, provided that the interval is not more than\napproximately one week.GamesRabbits In Warrens - two Leaders make an arch, through which all the Brownies run in file. When the whistle blows the arch falls over a rabbit and she is caught. Once two rabbits are caught, they make a second arch. Play continues until all are caught.Match Story - Each Brownie has the same number of matches, 4 or 6, also 4 or 6 dried butterbeans. The Guider tells a story (eg. \"Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful crown\" - the girls have to arrange their supplies into a crown, and the Leader chooses the best and gives them an extra match or bean. \"He sat upon a magnificent throne\" - they make model thrones and again the winner gets an extra match or bean. ","linksData":},"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":463,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":463,"webs":"fileId":208038965,"path":"1950 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f9563f7157262804739a","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324}, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9563f7157262804739a > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')}).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve(););});}); Brownies 1968-1970sGamesBrownie Door - The pack stand in a ring, one volunteer sits in the middle covering her eyes. A 'door' is marked on the floor with rope or chalk. The ring dances round, singing "One and two and three and four, who is knocking at the door, one and two and three and four, who is at the Brownie door?" (tune - boys and girls come out to play). Whichever Brownie ends up at 'the door' says "Who is at the Brownie door?", the girl in the middle has one shot at judging who is speaking. If she is correct, they change over, if not another round is played.Queen's Train - One of the Leaders plays the Queen, who sits on a chair. She is choosing ladies-in-waiting with clean hands and tidy nails to carry her train. Each Brownie in turn walks behind the throne, and puts her hands over the Queen's shoulders. If they are neat, the queen will nod. If not, she will shake her head. Once everyone has played, those with neat hands process behind the Queen on a lap of the room.require(['jquery'], function($)var deferredLoad = $.Deferred();webs.renderedModulesPromises.push(deferredLoad.promise());require(['internal/sitebuilder/common/ModuleClassLoader'], function(mcl)mcl.create('text_image', data: "text":"html":"Brownies 1968-1970sGamesBrownie Door - The pack stand in a ring, one volunteer sits in the middle covering her eyes. A 'door' is marked on the floor with rope or chalk. The ring dances round, singing \"One and two and three and four, who is knocking at the door, one and two and three and four, who is at the Brownie door?\" (tune - boys and girls come out to play). Whichever Brownie ends up at 'the door' says \"Who is at the Brownie door?\", the girl in the middle has one shot at judging who is speaking. If she is correct, they change over, if not another round is played.Queen's Train - One of the Leaders plays the Queen, who sits on a chair. She is choosing ladies-in-waiting with clean hands and tidy nails to carry her train. Each Brownie in turn walks behind the throne, and puts her hands over the Queen's shoulders. If they are neat, the queen will nod. If not, she will shake her head. Once everyone has played, those with neat hands process behind the Queen on a lap of the room.","linksData":,"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":180,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":412,"webs":"fileId":208038995,"path":"1967 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f9653f7157262804739e","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9653f7157262804739e > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve();););); Brownies in the 1980sFootpathWide AwakeGo for an 'I Spy' walk looking for different kinds of birds, flowers, chimney pots, TV aerials, signs of the seasons or anything else of interest. OR Identify the Brownie badges. OR Spot the good turns in the home safety picture. OR Take part in a game using your senses. OR complete your Wide Awake Challenge in another way.Keep HealthyDo one of the following:a) Throw a bean bag to land four times out of six in a box positioned as far away from you as possible. b) Learn to skip backwards. c) See how many times you can bounce a ball without a break. Challenge yourself to improve. d) Jump the blob.AND Make a special effort to look after either your nails or your teeth or your hair this week.Do Their Besta) Smile every time you want to grumble or are hurt. b) Eat your food without complaining. c) Thank God for something every day. d) Go to bed when you are told. e) Do a job you don't like. f) Be kind to someone who is sick. OR do your best in some other way you don't find easy.Make ThingsAt a Brownie meeting make one of the following: a) A greetings card. b) A decoration, e.g. for Christmas or New Year. c) A toy. d) A model. e) Help your Six to make up a poem or mime.Brownies are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Play a Brownie game or sing a Brownie song from another country. b) Hear, tell or read a story from another country in which there are Brownies. c) Find out what is special about February 22nd.Lend a HandRecord your Good Turns for a week and do one of the following: a) Take part in a Good Turn Venture with your pack. b) Do a special job for your Guider. c) Make, wash or mend some pack equipment. OR make up your own Lend a Hand challenge.Help at HomeChoose and do two of the following: a) Help with washing up or laying a table. b) Clean shoes or muddy boots. c) Clean out a bath or shower. d) Make sandwiches. OR do some other helpful job.Have Fun Out of DoorsDo one of the following: a) Using natural materials, make a gift. b) Name 5 birds or 5 flowers or 5 trees which you have seen and find out something about them. c) Make a weather chart. OR Enjoy yourself out-of-doors in some other way.ROADBrownies are Wide AwakeDo one of the following: a) Use a private telephone or a public call box and pass on a message correctly. Know how to contact the emergency services. b) Remember a shopping list of at least 4 items. Ask for each item politely. c) Pass an eye and memory test (e.g. Kim's Game). Or challenge yourself to remember in some other way.Brownies Keep HealthyMake a chart or collage showing the kind of foods needed to keep your body fit and healthy. And do one of the following: a) Hit a target with a ball or a bean bag from as far away as possible. b) Do some form of balancing, or show you can bowl a ball between two skittles. c) Improve on a Challenge you have done already using a ball, a rope or a bean bag.Brownies Do Their BestDo two of the following: a) Make and keep a 'mind your tongue' challenge. b) Do what you are told quickly (i.e. the first time). c) Think of others in a special way by praying for different people. d) Be kind to someone in the Pack who is not your best friend. e) Do a job you don't like doing. Or do your best in some other way.Brownies Make ThingsDo one of the following: a) Listen to a favourite piece of music and talk to your Guider about it. b) Try a new craft, e.g. knitting, sewing, crocheting. c) Make a small flower arrangement for a table from fresh, dried or artificial flowers. d) Make a picture using a variety of material, e.g. natural materials such as leaves or flowers, cloth, felt or wool. Or make something else of your choice.Brownies Are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Take part in a venture in which you meet other people who are not in your pack. b) With your Guider's help find out about other people's work in the community, e.g. a clergyman, a policeman, a nurse, a school cleaner, a dustman. c) Choose one country where there are Brownies, find out all you can about it, and point to this country on a map. Or show friendliness to others in some other way.Brownies Lend a HandDo a Good Turn every day and one of the following: a) Do a Good Turn for someone where you live or where the Pack meets. b) Find as many ways as you can of keeping your home safe. c) Know the fules of the road and show you know how to keep them. Or Lend a Hand by acting sensibly and helpfully in some other way.Brownies Help at HomeDo two or more of a following: a) Help care for your clothes and be able to pack a suitcase. b) Make your bed and keep your room tidy for at least a week. c) Keep a piece of furniture clean for four weeks. d) Make tea or coffee and serve it nicely. e) Make a salad or snack. Or help at home in some other way.Brownies Have Fun Out of DoorsChoose and do one of the following: a) Follow a trail which has been laid in wool, string or some other material. b) Grow a plant from a seed or a bulb. c) Care for a pet and over a period of time keep a record of what you do for it. d) Make at least two types of rubbings (e.g. leaf rubbings, bark rubbings, floor or wall tile rubbings) and use them in an interesting way. Or think up an out-of-doors challenge of your own.HIGHWAYBrownies are Wide AwakeDo at least one of the following: a) Learn the first and last verses of the National Anthem. b) Learn how the Union Flag is made up. Know the country emblems and the stories of the Saints. c) Learn the Country Code and the reason for each part. d) Find out about the story of your town's Coat of Arms. e) Describe an interesting place near your home. Or learn something else of interest or importance about where you live.Brownies Keep HealthyDo one of the following: a) Walk a figure of eight balancing a ball on a book. Try using the hand you don't write with. b) Make up a sequence of three or four different skipping steps. c) With a bat, hit a ball that has been bowled to you, four times out of five. d) Show that you have made progress in a sport which interests you, e.g. swimming, skating or riding. Or challenge yourself in some other form of exercise. Brownies do Their BestOver a period of time (more than one week), carry out one of the following: a) Help in your place of worship in some special way, e.g. cleaning. b) Make up, write down and illustrate prayers for the Pack or Pack Prayer Book. c) Make up and illustrate a Thank You God Chart. d) With the Pack, take part in a good Turn Venture. Or think about the first part of your Promise and Do Your Best in some other way.Brownies Make ThingsDo one or more of the following: a) Take part in an entertainment by singing, acting, miming, dancing, reciting, playing an instrument or working a puppet, either alone or with others. b) With your family, school or Brownie Pack, take part in a theatre visit. Write or talk about it at a Pack Meeting. c) Make up a story, poem or short play and use it to give pleasure to someone. d) Make an article for a gift. e) Try a craft new to you, e.g. weaving, embroidery or papier-mache. Or challenge yourself to be creative in some other way.Brownies Are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Find out about the World Badge and, on a map point out ten countries where there are Brownies. b) Make a scrap book about another country where there are Brownies. c) Find out how Guiding began and make a display about it to show to your Six. Or challenge yourself in some other way to find learn more about Brownies abroad.Brownies Lend A HandDo a Good Turn every day and one of the following: a) learn how to prevent simple cuts, grazes and nose bleeds from becoming worse. b) Learn how to deal with clothes on fire and how to treat simple burns. c) When out in the are where you live, make a list of the hazards you can find. Or Lend a Hand to prevent accidents or give first aid in some other way.Brownies Help at HomeDo two or more of the following: a) Make scones or cakes or make something useful from a recipe. b) Defrost or clean out the refrigerator. c) Help an adult to clean a car. d) Learn how to repair clothes and sew on a button or badge. e) Learn to iron a simple garment safely and learn the meanings of the symbols on clothes labels. Or Help at Home in some other way.Brownies Have Fun Out of DoorsChoose and do one of the following: a) Set a compass and know eight of it's points. b) Make a simple map showing the area surrounding your Pack Meeting place or your home. Give directions that would be helpful to a stranger, e.g. to the nearest shop, the nearest telephone or to the hospital. c) Send a secret message to someone who is out of hearing range, using signals or codes. d) Read a bus or train timetable and know the 24-hour clock. e) With your parents' permission, take care of a garden, window box or tub. Or do something else that will hep you to Have Fun Out of Doors.GamesTraffic Cops - Imitation number plates are placed around the room. The Brownies sit in a circle and are 'numbered' Police, Detectives, and Traffic Wardens, around the circle. The Leader says "car SVS407J is wanted by the Police" - the police all head off to find and bring back the number plate, the first to find it gets a point.Crazy Ball - All the Brownies stand around the room with one hand touching a wall. The Leader stands on a chair holding a bouncy ball, and calls a statement such as 'anyone who is 7', 'anyone who goes to dance lessons', etc. She then bounces the ball, and anyone the statement applies to can rush forward and try to catch the ball. Whoever catches it is next on the chair.require(['jquery'], function($)var deferredLoad = $.Deferred();webs.renderedModulesPromises.push(deferredLoad.promise());require(['internal/sitebuilder/common/ModuleClassLoader'], function(mcl)mcl.create('text_image', data: "text":"html":"Brownies in the 1980sFootpathWide AwakeGo for an 'I Spy' walk looking for different kinds of birds, flowers, chimney pots, TV aerials, signs of the seasons or anything else of interest. OR Identify the Brownie badges. OR Spot the good turns in the home safety picture. OR Take part in a game using your senses. OR complete your Wide Awake Challenge in another way.Keep HealthyDo one of the following:a) Throw a bean bag to land four times out of six in a box positioned as far away from you as possible. b) Learn to skip backwards. c) See how many times you can bounce a ball without a break. Challenge yourself to improve. d) Jump the blob.AND Make a special effort to look after either your nails or your teeth or your hair this week.Do Their Besta) Smile every time you want to grumble or are hurt. b) Eat your food without complaining. c) Thank God for something every day. d) Go to bed when you are told. e) Do a job you don't like. f) Be kind to someone who is sick. OR do your best in some other way you don't find easy.Make ThingsAt a Brownie meeting make one of the following: a) A greetings card. b) A decoration, e.g. for Christmas or New Year. c) A toy. d) A model. e) Help your Six to make up a poem or mime.Brownies are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Play a Brownie game or sing a Brownie song from another country. b) Hear, tell or read a story from another country in which there are Brownies. c) Find out what is special about February 22nd.Lend a HandRecord your Good Turns for a week and do one of the following: a) Take part in a Good Turn Venture with your pack. b) Do a special job for your Guider. c) Make, wash or mend some pack equipment. OR make up your own Lend a Hand challenge.Help at HomeChoose and do two of the following: a) Help with washing up or laying a table. b) Clean shoes or muddy boots. c) Clean out a bath or shower. d) Make sandwiches. OR do some other helpful job.Have Fun Out of DoorsDo one of the following: a) Using natural materials, make a gift. b) Name 5 birds or 5 flowers or 5 trees which you have seen and find out something about them. c) Make a weather chart. OR Enjoy yourself out-of-doors in some other way.ROADBrownies are Wide AwakeDo one of the following: a) Use a private telephone or a public call box and pass on a message correctly. Know how to contact the emergency services. b) Remember a shopping list of at least 4 items. Ask for each item politely. c) Pass an eye and memory test (e.g. Kim's Game). Or challenge yourself to remember in some other way.Brownies Keep HealthyMake a chart or collage showing the kind of foods needed to keep your body fit and healthy. And do one of the following: a) Hit a target with a ball or a bean bag from as far away as possible. b) Do some form of balancing, or show you can bowl a ball between two skittles. c) Improve on a Challenge you have done already using a ball, a rope or a bean bag.Brownies Do Their BestDo two of the following: a) Make and keep a 'mind your tongue' challenge. b) Do what you are told quickly (i.e. the first time). c) Think of others in a special way by praying for different people. d) Be kind to someone in the Pack who is not your best friend. e) Do a job you don't like doing. Or do your best in some other way.Brownies Make ThingsDo one of the following: a) Listen to a favourite piece of music and talk to your Guider about it. b) Try a new craft, e.g. knitting, sewing, crocheting. c) Make a small flower arrangement for a table from fresh, dried or artificial flowers. d) Make a picture using a variety of material, e.g. natural materials such as leaves or flowers, cloth, felt or wool. Or make something else of your choice.Brownies Are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Take part in a venture in which you meet other people who are not in your pack. b) With your Guider's help find out about other people's work in the community, e.g. a clergyman, a policeman, a nurse, a school cleaner, a dustman. c) Choose one country where there are Brownies, find out all you can about it, and point to this country on a map. Or show friendliness to others in some other way.Brownies Lend a HandDo a Good Turn every day and one of the following: a) Do a Good Turn for someone where you live or where the Pack meets. b) Find as many ways as you can of keeping your home safe. c) Know the fules of the road and show you know how to keep them. Or Lend a Hand by acting sensibly and helpfully in some other way.Brownies Help at HomeDo two or more of a following: a) Help care for your clothes and be able to pack a suitcase. b) Make your bed and keep your room tidy for at least a week. c) Keep a piece of furniture clean for four weeks. d) Make tea or coffee and serve it nicely. e) Make a salad or snack. Or help at home in some other way.Brownies Have Fun Out of DoorsChoose and do one of the following: a) Follow a trail which has been laid in wool, string or some other material. b) Grow a plant from a seed or a bulb. c) Care for a pet and over a period of time keep a record of what you do for it. d) Make at least two types of rubbings (e.g. leaf rubbings, bark rubbings, floor or wall tile rubbings) and use them in an interesting way. Or think up an out-of-doors challenge of your own.HIGHWAYBrownies are Wide AwakeDo at least one of the following: a) Learn the first and last verses of the National Anthem. b) Learn how the Union Flag is made up. Know the country emblems and the stories of the Saints. c) Learn the Country Code and the reason for each part. d) Find out about the story of your town's Coat of Arms. e) Describe an interesting place near your home. Or learn something else of interest or importance about where you live.Brownies Keep HealthyDo one of the following: a) Walk a figure of eight balancing a ball on a book. Try using the hand you don't write with. b) Make up a sequence of three or four different skipping steps. c) With a bat, hit a ball that has been bowled to you, four times out of five. d) Show that you have made progress in a sport which interests you, e.g. swimming, skating or riding. Or challenge yourself in some other form of exercise. Brownies do Their BestOver a period of time (more than one week), carry out one of the following: a) Help in your place of worship in some special way, e.g. cleaning. b) Make up, write down and illustrate prayers for the Pack or Pack Prayer Book. c) Make up and illustrate a Thank You God Chart. d) With the Pack, take part in a good Turn Venture. Or think about the first part of your Promise and Do Your Best in some other way.Brownies Make ThingsDo one or more of the following: a) Take part in an entertainment by singing, acting, miming, dancing, reciting, playing an instrument or working a puppet, either alone or with others. b) With your family, school or Brownie Pack, take part in a theatre visit. Write or talk about it at a Pack Meeting. c) Make up a story, poem or short play and use it to give pleasure to someone. d) Make an article for a gift. e) Try a craft new to you, e.g. weaving, embroidery or papier-mache. Or challenge yourself to be creative in some other way.Brownies Are FriendlyDo one of the following: a) Find out about the World Badge and, on a map point out ten countries where there are Brownies. b) Make a scrap book about another country where there are Brownies. c) Find out how Guiding began and make a display about it to show to your Six. Or challenge yourself in some other way to find learn more about Brownies abroad.Brownies Lend A HandDo a Good Turn every day and one of the following: a) learn how to prevent simple cuts, grazes and nose bleeds from becoming worse. b) Learn how to deal with clothes on fire and how to treat simple burns. c) When out in the are where you live, make a list of the hazards you can find. Or Lend a Hand to prevent accidents or give first aid in some other way.Brownies Help at HomeDo two or more of the following: a) Make scones or cakes or make something useful from a recipe. b) Defrost or clean out the refrigerator. c) Help an adult to clean a car. d) Learn how to repair clothes and sew on a button or badge. e) Learn to iron a simple garment safely and learn the meanings of the symbols on clothes labels. Or Help at Home in some other way.Brownies Have Fun Out of DoorsChoose and do one of the following: a) Set a compass and know eight of it's points. b) Make a simple map showing the area surrounding your Pack Meeting place or your home. Give directions that would be helpful to a stranger, e.g. to the nearest shop, the nearest telephone or to the hospital. c) Send a secret message to someone who is out of hearing range, using signals or codes. d) Read a bus or train timetable and know the 24-hour clock. e) With your parents' permission, take care of a garden, window box or tub. Or do something else that will hep you to Have Fun Out of Doors.GamesTraffic Cops - Imitation number plates are placed around the room. The Brownies sit in a circle and are 'numbered' Police, Detectives, and Traffic Wardens, around the circle. The Leader says \"car SVS407J is wanted by the Police\" - the police all head off to find and bring back the number plate, the first to find it gets a point.Crazy Ball - All the Brownies stand around the room with one hand touching a wall. The Leader stands on a chair holding a bouncy ball, and calls a statement such as 'anyone who is 7', 'anyone who goes to dance lessons', etc. She then bounces the ball, and anyone the statement applies to can rush forward and try to catch the ball. Whoever catches it is next on the chair.","linksData":,"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":412,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":412,"webs":"fileId":208038995,"path":"1967 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f9a33f715726280473a8","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9a33f715726280473a8 > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve();););); Brownies in the 1990srequire(['jquery'], function($)var deferredLoad = $.Deferred();webs.renderedModulesPromises.push(deferredLoad.promise());require(['internal/sitebuilder/common/ModuleClassLoader'], function(mcl)mcl.create('text_image', data: "text":"html":"Brownies in the 1990s","linksData":,"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":300,"height":180,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"caption":"image","inBucket":false,"changeCallback":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":409,"webs":"fileId":208039099,"path":"1990 Brownie Uniform.jpg","_id":"5566f9ac3f715726280473aa","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9ac3f715726280473aa > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve();););); Brownies in the 2000sBrownie Adventure - for Brownies aged 7-8.5. Do a selection of activities from You, Community and World sections, or of your choice.You:My Good Turns - record your good turns for a weekLet Us Talk - visit the Brownie website, send an email and get a reply.Healthy Body - colour the pictures of fruit and veg for each equivalent you ate that day.Swim, Swim - try swimming, diving or lifesaving lessons.Good Sense - what are your favourite things, and which of your senses do you use to enjoy them? What would you miss if you lacked one?Sun Safe - draw a poster, write a poem or make up a song to remind bout 'slip slap slop' sun safety.Staying Safe - draw a map of a safe walking route utilising the Green Cross Code.Safe At Home - spot the dangers in the picture.Clean Hands - coat your hands with a soap/paint mix then wash them to see how difficult handwashing is.Tasty Treats - think about the food eaten in the past week - favourites, omissions, overindulgencies.Only Fingers In The World - take fingerprint rubbings of self and friends, and compare.My Eye - find out all the colours in your eye.Promise Tree - choose something you want to do your best at, write your plan, then colour when complete.Going And Growing - make a healthy muesli recipe.Easter - blow the insides out of an egg and then decorate it with sequins, glitter and gemstones.Eid-Ul-Fitr - make a greetings card with a traditional pattern.Holi - make a spatter picture.Rosh Hashanah - make a honey cake recipe.Hola Mohalla - pick a sport you like doing and improve your skills.Tea Time - learn how to make a cup of tea.CommunityFriendly Food - make gingerbread characters then decorate them as people in the community who help.Get Wrapped - learn how to wrap a parcel.Special Design - glue string on a piece of cardboard or round a tin can, stamp in paint and use to make wrapping paper, and make a pop-up card.Caring For The Earth - set yourself some 'reduce, re-use, recycle' challenges.Country Care - find out about the Country Code, Highway Code and Green Cross Code.Bird Life - make a .winter bird pudding' and hang it outside for birds to eat.One Good Turn Deserves Another - record your good turns at home, school, and with friends, each day for a week.Talk Time - play charades.Find Your Way - try surfing for information on a computer.Top Trees - try to spot and recognise different types of trees.Tree Pictures - take a bark rubbing, cut a tree shape from the back of the paper, paint a background and stick the tree on it, take a leaf, paint it, and add leaf prints to the picture.Animal Lives - find out how animals live and work together online, or in a library.Bee Mobile - make a mobile from sponge balls and a wire coathanger.The National Anthem - learn two verses of the UK National Anthem. Make up a short play or scene to show what it means to you.Local Legends - write and illustrate a local legend or draw a comic strip.Local Songs - learn and perform a local song.WorldSuper Stars - spot 3 constellations in the night sky.My Own Star Show - prick out a constellation on paper then tape it onto a hand torch and project it on a wall.Cupboard Love - look in cupboards - how many foreign foods are there?Way Up High - find out how many people live in your village, country, the world. Compare the size of the UK to USA, China, Australia.Close Up Action - take close-up photos - can friends recognise them?Get Green Fingered - plant some seeds.World Thinking Day - make some biscuits and ice them to look like the earth. Organise a thinking day party.Animals In Danger - design a poster or write a poem about an endangered species.Gorgeous Giant - make an elephant stand-up greetings card.Down The Plug - try water saving ideas.Fair Play Together - keep a fair play scrapbook. Find out about peace symbols.Lapp Mark - make a bookmark using bright colours.Holiday Style - think about a place you'd like to visit and plan the outfit you'd wear.On Your Feet - decorate plain flip flops with jewels, sequins etc.Glittering Jewels - make paper beads, pasta necklaces, curtain ring rings.Your Birthstone - find out the birthstones of your friends and families.Adventure OnFor Brownies aged 8.5 and over.YouHow Do I Feel - track your mood for 3 weeks and keep a diary.Are You A Bookworm - record books you have read recently, and tell a friend about your favourite.How Fit Are You - record your activity for a week.Easy To Join - how accessible would your Brownie unit be for a disabled recruit?Teeth For Life - find out about your teeth and how to look after them.Safe As Houses - spot the dangers in the picture for different people.I Feel Good - what are your talents?Dream Home - design your dream bedroom.Not Just Dreams - think about an ambition, plan how you could start achieving it.Fighting Fire - make a fire plan for your home.Food For All - find out about different dietary needs and try an alternative product.My Promise - try a quiz to see how well you live by the Promise.CommunityBlooming Lovely - plant bulbs.In The Frame - make photos or pictures of your Six, make flower shaped frames for them.Again And Again - find out about recycling and re-using.Past Games - find out about games parents and grandparents used to play, and try them.Bird Life - draft some questions about birds then ask them of an expert, and do some birdwatching.Animal Magic - find out about your pet or an animal you know,Happy Talk - try fingerspelling and find out about other languages.Home Zone - find out about your home area - make a model or sketch, spot dangers, find out about water or farm safety.WorldOur Planet - make a scrapbook of animals from different places around the world.Earth Sun-Catcher - make a sun catcher with an image of planet earth.Global Grub - find out about foods which come from different countries.Exotic Foods - grow seeds or pips from fruit.WAGGGS Africa - make beads from kitchen roll & water, and make them into a necklace.WAGGGS Arab - make falafelWAGGGS Asia Pacific - make fruity chapatis.WAGGGS Europe - make cardboard castanets.WAGGGS Western Hemisphere - make a wool hair braid.Rights - discuss rights and responsibilities with your Guider.Camouflage - design camouflage and non-camouflage outfits.Amazing Women - think about amazing women in your life and what qualities make them amazing.require(['jquery'], function($)var deferredLoad = $.Deferred();webs.renderedModulesPromises.push(deferredLoad.promise());require(['internal/sitebuilder/common/ModuleClassLoader'], function(mcl)mcl.create('text_image', data: "text":"html":"Brownies in the 2000sBrownie Adventure - for Brownies aged 7-8.5. Do a selection of activities from You, Community and World sections, or of your choice.You:My Good Turns - record your good turns for a weekLet Us Talk - visit the Brownie website, send an email and get a reply.Healthy Body - colour the pictures of fruit and veg for each equivalent you ate that day.Swim, Swim - try swimming, diving or lifesaving lessons.Good Sense - what are your favourite things, and which of your senses do you use to enjoy them? What would you miss if you lacked one?Sun Safe - draw a poster, write a poem or make up a song to remind bout 'slip slap slop' sun safety.Staying Safe - draw a map of a safe walking route utilising the Green Cross Code.Safe At Home - spot the dangers in the picture.Clean Hands - coat your hands with a soap/paint mix then wash them to see how difficult handwashing is.Tasty Treats - think about the food eaten in the past week - favourites, omissions, overindulgencies.Only Fingers In The World - take fingerprint rubbings of self and friends, and compare.My Eye - find out all the colours in your eye.Promise Tree - choose something you want to do your best at, write your plan, then colour when complete.Going And Growing - make a healthy muesli recipe.Easter - blow the insides out of an egg and then decorate it with sequins, glitter and gemstones.Eid-Ul-Fitr - make a greetings card with a traditional pattern.Holi - make a spatter picture.Rosh Hashanah - make a honey cake recipe.Hola Mohalla - pick a sport you like doing and improve your skills.Tea Time - learn how to make a cup of tea.CommunityFriendly Food - make gingerbread characters then decorate them as people in the community who help.Get Wrapped - learn how to wrap a parcel.Special Design - glue string on a piece of cardboard or round a tin can, stamp in paint and use to make wrapping paper, and make a pop-up card.Caring For The Earth - set yourself some 'reduce, re-use, recycle' challenges.Country Care - find out about the Country Code, Highway Code and Green Cross Code.Bird Life - make a .winter bird pudding' and hang it outside for birds to eat.One Good Turn Deserves Another - record your good turns at home, school, and with friends, each day for a week.Talk Time - play charades.Find Your Way - try surfing for information on a computer.Top Trees - try to spot and recognise different types of trees.Tree Pictures - take a bark rubbing, cut a tree shape from the back of the paper, paint a background and stick the tree on it, take a leaf, paint it, and add leaf prints to the picture.Animal Lives - find out how animals live and work together online, or in a library.Bee Mobile - make a mobile from sponge balls and a wire coathanger.The National Anthem - learn two verses of the UK National Anthem. Make up a short play or scene to show what it means to you.Local Legends - write and illustrate a local legend or draw a comic strip.Local Songs - learn and perform a local song.WorldSuper Stars - spot 3 constellations in the night sky.My Own Star Show - prick out a constellation on paper then tape it onto a hand torch and project it on a wall.Cupboard Love - look in cupboards - how many foreign foods are there?Way Up High - find out how many people live in your village, country, the world. Compare the size of the UK to USA, China, Australia.Close Up Action - take close-up photos - can friends recognise them?Get Green Fingered - plant some seeds.World Thinking Day - make some biscuits and ice them to look like the earth. Organise a thinking day party.Animals In Danger - design a poster or write a poem about an endangered species.Gorgeous Giant - make an elephant stand-up greetings card.Down The Plug - try water saving ideas.Fair Play Together - keep a fair play scrapbook. Find out about peace symbols.Lapp Mark - make a bookmark using bright colours.Holiday Style - think about a place you'd like to visit and plan the outfit you'd wear.On Your Feet - decorate plain flip flops with jewels, sequins etc.Glittering Jewels - make paper beads, pasta necklaces, curtain ring rings.Your Birthstone - find out the birthstones of your friends and families.Adventure OnFor Brownies aged 8.5 and over.YouHow Do I Feel - track your mood for 3 weeks and keep a diary.Are You A Bookworm - record books you have read recently, and tell a friend about your favourite.How Fit Are You - record your activity for a week.Easy To Join - how accessible would your Brownie unit be for a disabled recruit?Teeth For Life - find out about your teeth and how to look after them.Safe As Houses - spot the dangers in the picture for different people.I Feel Good - what are your talents?Dream Home - design your dream bedroom.Not Just Dreams - think about an ambition, plan how you could start achieving it.Fighting Fire - make a fire plan for your home.Food For All - find out about different dietary needs and try an alternative product.My Promise - try a quiz to see how well you live by the Promise.CommunityBlooming Lovely - plant bulbs.In The Frame - make photos or pictures of your Six, make flower shaped frames for them.Again And Again - find out about recycling and re-using.Past Games - find out about games parents and grandparents used to play, and try them.Bird Life - draft some questions about birds then ask them of an expert, and do some birdwatching.Animal Magic - find out about your pet or an animal you know,Happy Talk - try fingerspelling and find out about other languages.Home Zone - find out about your home area - make a model or sketch, spot dangers, find out about water or farm safety.WorldOur Planet - make a scrapbook of animals from different places around the world.Earth Sun-Catcher - make a sun catcher with an image of planet earth.Global Grub - find out about foods which come from different countries.Exotic Foods - grow seeds or pips from fruit.WAGGGS Africa - make beads from kitchen roll & water, and make them into a necklace.WAGGGS Arab - make falafelWAGGGS Asia Pacific - make fruity chapatis.WAGGGS Europe - make cardboard castanets.WAGGGS Western Hemisphere - make a wool hair braid.Rights - discuss rights and responsibilities with your Guider.Camouflage - design camouflage and non-camouflage outfits.Amazing Women - think about amazing women in your life and what qualities make them amazing.","linksData":,"image":"url":" Brownie Uniform.jpg","imageType":"webs","align":"left","width":324,"height":346,"imageWidth":100,"frame":"default","link":null,"frameColor":"ffffff","top":0,"left":0,"imageHeight":346,"webs":"fileId":461922073,"path":"2002 Brownie Uniform.jpg","topOffset":0,"leftOffset":0,"_id":"5566f9b63f715726280473ae","_captchaPublicKey":"6Le3aDEUAAAAAMNRsdkVVxpJA05exOZVTuLEqM5u","_renderCaptcha":true,"_site":"id":62891324, container: $('#webs-bin-5566f9b63f715726280473ae > .webs-bin-wrap > .webs-container')).done(function(m)m.oneLoaded();deferredLoad.resolve();););); Girl Scouts/Guides in the 1910s 2ff7e9595c


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